Saturday, October 31, 2009

another view on RHYTHM !


What is the first thing that comes in mind after you see this word? Something related to music?

We often relate rhythm to music. However, today I will introduce another type of rhythm – a visual rhythm.

Visual rhythm is one of our visual sensations. It is due to movement of our eyes, which moves along a repetitive design patterns. Not only music terms like legato or staccato but rhythm is also a characteristic of nature too. For example, ocean tides are repetition of the ocean’s movement every single day. The quilts below are some solid examples of this phenomenon of visual rhythm.

Like the ocean tides, this quilt shows a repetition of the same element in a regular order. It consists of black and white bowed-shape pattern in a certain rhythmic arrangement, which results in an impressive quilt.

Pattern can occur in both individual tiles and the larger units. Like this quilt below, it is actually made of a bunch of circular shape cloth. Then the artist simply expands the circular pattern into a rectangular quilt!

Artists can also expand their imagination by combining other experiences or senses to their work of pattern. This process is called “kinesthetic empathy”. This abstract quilt is made after the death of Annie Ruth Collins. The artist expresses the complexion of human’s feelings for certain situation through this quilt.

Pattern and rhythm are closely tied and they play a crucial role in the world of design. Designers are capable to play with visual presentation through the variety of patterns and rhythms.

pictures taken from The African American Quilts exhibition at Nelson art gallery, UCDavis

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