Occasionally as you walk through shopping arena, you might witness some thrilling displays on certain shop’s windows. But that only happens occasionally! Since the golden age of Display-1950s to 1960s ended, the display has been observed dead. Because the arrival of graphic designs was so new and notable, visual excitement ended in early 1970s. Display designers found themselves losing respect in their job. As the graphic designs conquer the market, displays and window scenes are similar all over different places. Decorative and mannequins were replaced by graphics. Each shop loses its identity without even recognizing it. Shoppers would not be able to distinguish between shops as they walk through.
However, displays have been saved and revived. One of the promoters of this resurrection is Harry Bader, creative director for the Banana Republic store on the Fifth Avenue. The reason why this action is being held is because the company changes its focus from product to brand. They want to build the love of the brand in consumer’s heart. As a result, unique display techniques, sophisticated styling and combination of art and music cooperate to create a new experience for consumers. Inspirations mostly come from interior design, art and theatre. Displays act as brand billboards.
As for now, displays are back and its best is yet to come !

pictures and information taken from:
"Store Presentation and Design No.2, Branding the Store", Martin M. Pegler, 2007
How display impact on branding?