Tuesday, October 13, 2009

splendid toilets !

Toilet is a place we go everyday without doubts. We use it daily. It is an essential place for one’s life! Some designers realized that fact and decided to make their routine life more colorful. They come up with various amusing toilets!

First, is the public restroom called “WC 1”. It is located in the center of a metropolis city of London. It consists of nineteen spacious cubicles and a communal area with sofas, scented products and salon kits. Along with soothing music, users can enjoy utilizing this public restroom, isolating themselves from the busy town. The restroom is designed to fit women’s needs and is decorated specially for women as it is so girlie; white and a touch of pink. This is one of the most luxurious yet public toilets.

Follow by Buddy Holly, this toilet is located in the music theatre. The theatre was created with an intention to convey the greatness of the creation back in 1950s. With this in mind, the designers keep the theme and apply it to the toilet design. Men’s restrooms are resembles of dramatic stage where outlines of men are being crafted and the light will automatically switch on when someone enters the urinal area. This way the users get the feeling of theatre even when they are using toilets!

Lastly, this cute toilet is designed by Meike van Schijndel, a Dutch illustrator-designer. The idea is to blush user’s cheek every time they use the loo. The designer’s imagination is very distinct. She uses the color and form to represent her idea wisely. After all, this creation turns out to be an impressive toilet.

Toilet is something you use in your routine life. Wouldn’t it be nice if you make it to be a significant and inspiring thing so that every time you use it, your imagination soars to wherever it wants to.

pictures and information taken from:

"Restroom, Contemporary Design", Jennifer Hudson, 2008

"Flush! Modern Toilet Design", Ingridwenz-Gahler, 2005

1 comment:

  1. I think the best toilet I ever seen is in rural China! a toilet where a row of men can use it at the same time :)
